2 Dozen Roses Arranged in Vase-
$185.002 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season. Choose colors in options.
2 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season. Choose colors in options.
1 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season.
18 carnations in a vase with greens, filler and a bow. Available in pink, purple, red
1/2 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season. Choose colors in options.
Potted Orchid Plant. Container and bloom color may vary. If out of stock, please allow 48 hours for availability.
6 regular sized Mylar balloons tied with curling ribbon for any occasion, designs WILL VARY. This item in pick up in store only.
Starting at $65. We will create a beautiful floral design in a basket or container similar to the pictured ($75). These designs use novelty and standard seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each is a one of a kind design. Currently using fall colors for Thanksgiving with fall accents.
Make a statement with a fresh bouquet on a regular basis. Let us create a Custom Design in your price range using a mix of colors and flowers. Starting at $35. Our typical design is seasonal flowers in a vase, basket or container Pictured are 50-75 range of products. You can be assured the recipient will not receive another just like the one we will custom make. We will take care of the scheduling, you can pick up or have delivered. We offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or you can choose specific dates. Order your first one here, then give us a call and we will set up billing for the future dates. 952-758-4656
Starting at $80. Want a WOW, this is it! We will create a beautiful vase similar to the pictured. These designs are done in seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each vase is a one of a kind design. $80-$200. NAME YOUR PRICE!
We have gift certificates in any denomination. You can send any amount as an add on to an order being delivered. However, if you are just purchasing the gift certificate alone amounts under $35.00 are store pick up only.
Starting at $55. We will create a beautiful arrangement in a basket or a decorative container similar to the pictured. These designs are done in novelty and standard seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each is a one of a kind design.
Starting at $75. We will create a beautiful floral design in a basket or container similar to the pictured ($75). These designs use novelty and standard seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each is a one of a kind design.
Starting at $35. We will create a beautiful arrangement in a basket or container similar to the pictured ($40). These designs are done with standard seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each is a one of a kind design.
Starting at $65. Extra Special We will create a beautiful vase similar to the pictured. These designs are done in seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each vase is a one of a kind design. $65-$85 NAME YOUR PRICE!
Starting at $55. We will create a beautiful vase similar to the pictured. These designs are done in seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each vase is a one of a kind design. $55-60 NAME YOUR PRICE
Starting at $35. We will create a beautiful vase similar to the pictured. These designs are done in seasonal flowers based on the occasion and whom will receive them. Each vase is a one of a kind design.
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